St John the Baptist parish offers Children’s Liturgy of the Word at our Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass from September through May. This program is designed for children between the ages of three and seven years old.
Before the first reading Father will ask the children to come forward for a blessing. A teacher will then take the children to the Chapel for a short song, lesson and coloring activity on that Sunday’s Gospel reading. They will return during the offertory and join their family for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
There is no need to register for Children’s Liturgy. Both regular parishioners and visiting guests are welcome. Parents should feel free to accompany their children if they wish.
We are always in need of E3 qualified volunteers for our Children’s Liturgy program. The lessons and materials are provided with little or no prep time for the volunteer. If you have children you may remember how difficult it can be for young parents to bring their small children to Mass. We like to think that this program makes it easier for them to do so, and helps to make our church a place of prayer and peace for them. If interested, please contact the Parish Office at 763-428-2828.